Introduce this Boho Split Skirt Vacation Breasted Skirt from Silkblossom. this skirt is boho style. boho print is full of holiday atmosphere. The breasted design makes this skirt more distinctive. the waist is elastic design. very flexible. wrinkled skirt design is fashionable and comfortable. let you feel cool in the hot summer. You can wear it with any top and it gives you a casual. vacation look. You can also pair it with slippers. sandals or high heels to form your stylish holiday outfit.
inch | cm | inch | cm | inch | cm | |
S | 25-40 | 64-104 | 49.61 | 126 | 36.61 | 93 |
M | 26-42 | 68-108 | 51.18 | 130 | 37.01 | 94 |
L | 29-44 | 74-112 | 52.76 | 134 | 37.40 | 95 |
XL | 31-45 | 80-116 | 54.33 | 138 | 37.80 | 96 |